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Praktijk gestart aan de Spinozalaan in Voorburg

Our practice
Since 2006 we have been working independently as a physiotherapist under the name Witteveen Gezond. We are Michiel and Karin Witteveen, both trained as physiotherapists in Rotterdam. We are not only life partners, but also join forces to provide our clients with the best possible care.

Our interest in the deeper causes of many complaints, for which clients call on us, has led us to become qualified as orthomolecular therapists in recent years. This makes it possible, if there is reason to do so and clients really want it, to let our treatment be broader than just physiotherapy.

Witteveen Gezond is located in the Oranje Nassaustraat in the center of Voorburg. We share our practice building with a general practitioner - Dr K. Claessen -, an ambulatory mental health practice - Forum Psychologen and Orthopedagogen -, a dietetics practice - Prima Nutrition and a personal trainer - FiTho. Together we form the health center ON6.


What we offer
You can contact us for physiotherapy for a variety of complaints, such as sports injuries, posture and movement problems, orthopedic problems, stress complaints and aging problems.

In addition, you can come to us for orthomolecular therapy with complaints, such as stress or burnout, digestive and intestinal problems, skin problems or general fatigue. Or you need advice and guidance in improving lifestyle and health.

We can also offer you a combination of physiotherapy and orthomolecular therapy. This concerns, for example, persistent complaints of the musculoskeletal system, which are related to living conditions, lifestyle, eating habits or physical problems. Permanent improvement is then served by a broader approach.


Our vision
We want to solve the health problem for which you call on us as effectively as possible.

Effective for us means efficient (so no unnecessary or unnecessarily long treatments), effective (so really solving the problem, even if the cause is deeper) and sustainable (so always striving for a lasting result).

We think it is important that you understand what the health complaint means and where it comes from and what you can do yourself to not get it back.


In order to be able to offer you the best possible care in accordance with our vision, we first of all meet all applicable requirements for professional practice:

  • BIG registered

  • Member of the KNGF

  • Registered in the KRF NL

  • Member of the MBOG

  • Registered with the RBCZ

  • Registered BrainQ therapist

  • Contracts with all health insurers

  • Quality measurements by qDNA

  • To keep our knowledge up to date and steadily expand it, we spend a lot of time on (additional) training and intervision.

Missie en visie

Wij willen het gezondheidsprobleem, waarvoor je een beroep op ons doet, zo effectief mogelijk oplossen.

Effectief betekent voor ons doelmatig (dus geen onnodige of onnodig lange behandelingen), doeltreffend (dus het probleem echt oplossen, ook als de oorzaak dieper ligt) en duurzaam (dus altijd streven naar een blijvend resultaat).

Wij vinden het belangrijk, dat je begrijpt wat de gezondheidsklacht inhoudt en waar die vandaan komt en wat je ook zelf kunt doen om die niet terug te krijgen.




Om conform onze visie je zo goed mogelijke zorg te kunnen bieden voldoen wij allereerst aan alle geldende eisen voor de beroepsuitoefening.​


Om onze kennis op peil te houden en gestaag uit te breiden besteden wij veel tijd aan (bij)scholing en intervisie.

  • BIG-geregistreerd

  • Lid van het KNGF

  • Geregistreerd in het KRF NL

  • Lid van het MBOG

  • Geregistreerd bij het RBCZ

  • Geregistreerd BrainQ therapeut

  • Contracten met alle zorgverzekeraars

  • Kwaliteitsmetingen door qDNA

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